I’m Zach B. 👋
I’m a software designer, rock climber, and woodworker.
For over 10 years I’ve been crafting user experiences for digital products from wearables, to car infotainment, to smart speakers, to enterprise SaaS.
In the last 4 years I’ve been leading design at ModernLoop, a candidate experience platform for recruiting teams. Before that I designed developer experiences at Slack, made an AI-assisted email platform for Mac, mobile, and smart speakers at Astro, designed ADAS features for Mercedes, and taught you to run, swim, cycle and more with a real-time AI-coaching wearable at Moov.
My favorite part of my job is design systems. I love getting to define and build patterns and heuristics to make interfaces clear and consistent for users as well as obvious and easy to implement.
In my spare time you’ll find me bouldering or in my woodshop, expressing my problem solving and design feelings in physical space.